Catching up on my blogging Part IV: The new House
It has been ages since I have taken the time to blog.......... So much has happened and my last post focuses on my "new" job-which I will have had exactly 1 year starting Auguest 1.
First the post I never got to-my new house-
I LOVE it. Whenever I thought of purchasing a house I always thought the biggest obstacle would be financing. I could not have been more wrong. I got pre-approved for a mortgage in less than a week. What took forever was finding a house I liked and could afford. It was a nightmare-no lie. I am not one who likes shopping by nature-if ain't books, I ain't interested in shopping for it for any amount of time. So, I fugured I would find a house I liked and that would be that. I am a relatively decisive person and do not spend alot of time locked in indecision. My motto is a wrong decision is better than no decision. Man, did I ever understand house hunting. At least I had the area I wanted to move to narrowed down-F. I also had a few basics-I wanted 3 bedrooms, a basement and a garage-basement being more important than garage. I had my pre-approved mortgage and my Real Estate agent-T-and was off to the races. I fully expected to find the house I wanted in 30 days or less-HA! I swear that I saw every single house within my budget in F-bar none. I also learned abit about neighborhoods-where is a good area, a prime area and an ok area. I wanted an area without a lot of traffic and near the 9 mile and woodward area. Well, what i could afford in that area was so tiny I would have had to go outside to change my mind. Then I decided to be more open about my requirements-all I really needed was two bedrooms and either a garage OR a basement. Still no luck. F seems to have an abundance of very wet basement and/or sloping houses. I can not tell you how many slopping houses I saw-yikes! Well, after more than a month of nothing but disappointments, my realtor talked me into looking in the areas surrounding F. The very first day I found two houses I liked-the first in RO and the second in OP. It was the friday before Labor Day. At this point I was under some pressure to either make a decision on a house or to rent an apartment closer to where I worked. The drive to work was absolutely killing me and A had started school and I did not want to move her during the school year. I really liked the very first house in RO-it was large, had an upstairs, a fenced in backyard with a deck-no basement or garage-but it did have CA and a shed. I liked the way it was laid out and it had quite a bit of square footage. I saw a few more houses-none I liked that much-and then the house I currently live in, in OP. I loved the house the minute we pulled into the driveway. It has an amazing amount of brickwork-at that time it had a fountain in the front yard as well. It also has a 2.5 car garage AND a basement. The house is small, but has two rooms and a bungalo and is all tile. I really wanted hardwood floors-but tile is nice and interesting. Best of all-my absolute favorite part is the backyard. The backyard is amazing-it has a privacy fence and is mostly bricked over with several large extremely overgrown flower beds. Walking into it is like entering my own world. I could easily see myself outback enjoying a nice spring, summer or fall day. What I did not envision was the sheer amount of yardwork-astounding!!!!!!! Anyway, I loved the house right away and decided that evening to make an offer. I told my mom who insisted that i should have made an offer friday-since it was a holiday and someone who probably make an offer before tuesday. You can imagine my stress and I worried all through the long weekend that the house would be sold by tuesday. I called my agent and let her know that I wanted to make an offer on tuesday. We met at the house, I looked at it again-signed the paperwork and handed over a "good faith" deposit. Almost 30 days later I was closing on the house and moving in. It was harrowing. I did not have an exact close date-the house was empty so as soon as I closed I was freeto move in. I needed to give at least 30 days notice at my apartment but was not sure of my close date so I was not sure of when to give notice-yikes!!!! Papa saw the house before my offer and came over during the inspection and got a chance to see the inside. He liked it alot and thought it was a good decision and it is very close to where and G live. It is also very close to where my mom lives as well. We went to Cedar Point for Halloweekends the last weekend in Sept/first weekend in Oct and I closed that coming thursday. I had to pack the house and be ready to move by saturday. D & N agreed to help me move and I left Halloweekends early so I could get home and get started packing everything. I was terrified to tell K-my manager. I know my old manager-S-would never have given me the time I needed off to move. K-bless his heart-did not give me any trouble at all. He was so cool and calm-it made everything so much easier. I mostly was done packing by the time we moved on Saturday. We found A's dirty undies hidden everywhere-it was quite gross, but otherwise it all went off pretty much without a hitch. I still can not believe it. Half of my furniture arrived on friday and the rest-including my appliances-we were picking up on saturday as part of the move. It was hectic and difficult and mostly done by 8pm. It was absolutely crazy. I tell you that I could never have done it without Papa, G, D & N. Poor Papa's ghout started acting up and he was on bed rest for almost afterwards-he hung in like a real trooper though. G was like a general-directing everyone and D & N still laugh about it now. It was crazy and I was worn out and exhausted. I spent the sunday after we moved getting A's bedroom as settled as possible because she had school the next day and I still had a few days before I had to go back to work. I think I counted inventory the sunday after I moved as well. It was crazy. I unpacked the essentials and let everything else pretty much sit until my vacation the last week in October/first week in November. I did not get all of my books unpacked until February and did not get my altar unpacked and set up until at least March-probably closer to April. I still have boxes of stuff in the basement and have gotten side tracked from finding places for everything by yard work. Not that I am doing much yard work-but I am worrying about how little yard work I do and how very much needs to be done.
Well, that's all for now.
~~~Where ever you go, There you are!
It has been ages since I have taken the time to blog.......... So much has happened and my last post focuses on my "new" job-which I will have had exactly 1 year starting Auguest 1.
First the post I never got to-my new house-
I LOVE it. Whenever I thought of purchasing a house I always thought the biggest obstacle would be financing. I could not have been more wrong. I got pre-approved for a mortgage in less than a week. What took forever was finding a house I liked and could afford. It was a nightmare-no lie. I am not one who likes shopping by nature-if ain't books, I ain't interested in shopping for it for any amount of time. So, I fugured I would find a house I liked and that would be that. I am a relatively decisive person and do not spend alot of time locked in indecision. My motto is a wrong decision is better than no decision. Man, did I ever understand house hunting. At least I had the area I wanted to move to narrowed down-F. I also had a few basics-I wanted 3 bedrooms, a basement and a garage-basement being more important than garage. I had my pre-approved mortgage and my Real Estate agent-T-and was off to the races. I fully expected to find the house I wanted in 30 days or less-HA! I swear that I saw every single house within my budget in F-bar none. I also learned abit about neighborhoods-where is a good area, a prime area and an ok area. I wanted an area without a lot of traffic and near the 9 mile and woodward area. Well, what i could afford in that area was so tiny I would have had to go outside to change my mind. Then I decided to be more open about my requirements-all I really needed was two bedrooms and either a garage OR a basement. Still no luck. F seems to have an abundance of very wet basement and/or sloping houses. I can not tell you how many slopping houses I saw-yikes! Well, after more than a month of nothing but disappointments, my realtor talked me into looking in the areas surrounding F. The very first day I found two houses I liked-the first in RO and the second in OP. It was the friday before Labor Day. At this point I was under some pressure to either make a decision on a house or to rent an apartment closer to where I worked. The drive to work was absolutely killing me and A had started school and I did not want to move her during the school year. I really liked the very first house in RO-it was large, had an upstairs, a fenced in backyard with a deck-no basement or garage-but it did have CA and a shed. I liked the way it was laid out and it had quite a bit of square footage. I saw a few more houses-none I liked that much-and then the house I currently live in, in OP. I loved the house the minute we pulled into the driveway. It has an amazing amount of brickwork-at that time it had a fountain in the front yard as well. It also has a 2.5 car garage AND a basement. The house is small, but has two rooms and a bungalo and is all tile. I really wanted hardwood floors-but tile is nice and interesting. Best of all-my absolute favorite part is the backyard. The backyard is amazing-it has a privacy fence and is mostly bricked over with several large extremely overgrown flower beds. Walking into it is like entering my own world. I could easily see myself outback enjoying a nice spring, summer or fall day. What I did not envision was the sheer amount of yardwork-astounding!!!!!!! Anyway, I loved the house right away and decided that evening to make an offer. I told my mom who insisted that i should have made an offer friday-since it was a holiday and someone who probably make an offer before tuesday. You can imagine my stress and I worried all through the long weekend that the house would be sold by tuesday. I called my agent and let her know that I wanted to make an offer on tuesday. We met at the house, I looked at it again-signed the paperwork and handed over a "good faith" deposit. Almost 30 days later I was closing on the house and moving in. It was harrowing. I did not have an exact close date-the house was empty so as soon as I closed I was freeto move in. I needed to give at least 30 days notice at my apartment but was not sure of my close date so I was not sure of when to give notice-yikes!!!! Papa saw the house before my offer and came over during the inspection and got a chance to see the inside. He liked it alot and thought it was a good decision and it is very close to where and G live. It is also very close to where my mom lives as well. We went to Cedar Point for Halloweekends the last weekend in Sept/first weekend in Oct and I closed that coming thursday. I had to pack the house and be ready to move by saturday. D & N agreed to help me move and I left Halloweekends early so I could get home and get started packing everything. I was terrified to tell K-my manager. I know my old manager-S-would never have given me the time I needed off to move. K-bless his heart-did not give me any trouble at all. He was so cool and calm-it made everything so much easier. I mostly was done packing by the time we moved on Saturday. We found A's dirty undies hidden everywhere-it was quite gross, but otherwise it all went off pretty much without a hitch. I still can not believe it. Half of my furniture arrived on friday and the rest-including my appliances-we were picking up on saturday as part of the move. It was hectic and difficult and mostly done by 8pm. It was absolutely crazy. I tell you that I could never have done it without Papa, G, D & N. Poor Papa's ghout started acting up and he was on bed rest for almost afterwards-he hung in like a real trooper though. G was like a general-directing everyone and D & N still laugh about it now. It was crazy and I was worn out and exhausted. I spent the sunday after we moved getting A's bedroom as settled as possible because she had school the next day and I still had a few days before I had to go back to work. I think I counted inventory the sunday after I moved as well. It was crazy. I unpacked the essentials and let everything else pretty much sit until my vacation the last week in October/first week in November. I did not get all of my books unpacked until February and did not get my altar unpacked and set up until at least March-probably closer to April. I still have boxes of stuff in the basement and have gotten side tracked from finding places for everything by yard work. Not that I am doing much yard work-but I am worrying about how little yard work I do and how very much needs to be done.
Well, that's all for now.
~~~Where ever you go, There you are!
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