Sunday, July 08, 2007

More Current Stuff: Today's Topic is WORK

Well, we are short staffed and according to my DM, we will not be given the approval to replace the CSR we lost last week.

First on the CSR we lost week, D. D was hired by K before I started at my store. Apparently he worked as a temp and a greeter and when the position opened up K agreed to hire him. He must have been very different as a greeter than he was as an employee. D was a problem from the beginning. It was not usual calling in or even really escalated customers-though it was getting to that point. Mostly it was just D's attitude, he was sullen and argumentative. Everyday it was like he did not want to be at work. Now, we all have days where we do not want to be bothered and truly wish we did not have to get out of bed, but D was like that everyday. He was always wrinkled, never combed his hair, or shaved or even washed his face.
~~~Interrupted, will complete later


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