Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The world that you look out on
and so often see turned upside down –
that world is within you.
That person who you don’t like running into,
that strained relationship in any unwanted moment,
is not outside of you.
The reason that you can’t get along with other people has nothing to do with the other people. Sure, they’re rude.
Sure, they’re cruel, spiritually asleep, aggressive, all those things
– but so are you.
Your feelings about the world you see,
with all of its confusing colors and schemes,
are all reflections of your own internal life.
You meet and see only yourself wherever you go.
Nothing else.
And that’s such an important lesson.

- Guy Finley
Quotation is from page 7 of "
The Lost Secrets of Prayer: Practices for Self-Awakening"
Copyright (c) 1998 by Guy Finley

The above quote is what I try to remember when customers or family or friends are driving me insane and I feel like I just can not take it anymore. To me that reflects the truth that we create own our reality. I also know that when we react to others in truth we are only reacting to ourselves. How much of me is harsh with Ameena not because she is wrong, but because I see myself in her-the things about myself I do not like and react to the reflection of them in her? How much of me is judgemental with my mom or sister because in their actions and behaviors I see my own choices and mistakes reflected. Scary and deep, almost too deep for comfort.
~~~~Where ever you go, there you are!


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