I have watched the news and read the papers and seen what has been forwarded on countless internet groups, all of it upseting and unsettling. This story in the Detroit Free Press this morning probably touched me the most. A single mother who had managed to keep her children safe through the hurricane on monday and then the flood on tuesday was told by rescue workers on wednesday doing evacuations that she would have to leave her 10 year old daughter behind or risk losing her place on the rescue bus for herself and her three other (younger) children. The rescue workers were prioritizing to get the worst off to safety first-an idea I understand. I just can not understand a rescue worker that would sanction leaving behind a 10 year old by herself-well with teenage cousins-to make her own way in this disaster. The idea that in this day-2005-in this country-the United States-arguably the greatest country in the world-or at least a major player in the race for greatest-a mother would have> to face a decision like that-is astounding. I am horrified at what is happening and how ill-prepared we are as a nation to deal with it.
~~~~Where ever you go, there you are!
~~~~Where ever you go, there you are!
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