Friday, November 25, 2005

Update Part2:
Well, I had not had a report card or progress report from A yet this year. I knew one had to have come, surely, but I was not sure if A had lost a book again-the school will with hold report cards until it is paid for, or if she was hiding it. I knew she had not done well, she never does well first marking period. I kept asking her about it, asking her to tell the truth-I was going to call the school and find out anyway. She insisted that she knew nothing about it and would ask. Well, I finally called her counselor who faxed me over her progress reprt from September and her grades from the beginning of November. Her progress report was awful, 2 D-'s, but her report card was not that bad. All B's and C's-mostly C's. Certainly not bad enough to warrant her hiding it and lying about it. So, I placed her on punishment until the next marking period. Mostly for lying. I also told her that she has to bring home her books and study every night. If she does not have an "A" in a class she needs to be studying for it. There was many missed assignments noted on her report card. Typically that is why she does poorly. She can not be bothered with homework or turning assignments in or studying. So, I am making her bring all of her books no matter what I will have to take the time to lay out a study schedule for her. I also need to pay better attention to report card times and parent teacher conferences. A is basically a good kid and sometimes I spend too much time treating her like an adult and not enough time treating her like the 12 yr old she is.
~~~~Where ever you go, There you are!


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