Well, I was feeling pretty low when I made my last post. Furthermore I was unfair to my friends and family. My father would have checked on A for me and probably I could have talked K into checking on her as well. I definetely could have called D and N for help. In fact, after reading my blog, N called to tell me that she and D hoped I knew that I could count on them and that would be have been willing and happy to have checked on A for me. It warmed my heart and made me realize just what a funk I have been in lately. I have isolated and distanced myself from my friends and even the Zen Center. I have just been working and watching tv and reading and not getting out of the house at all. I think spending so much time in my own company has not served to make me any happier. I have decided to force myself to get out more. I am always reluctant to get out and socialize, but I always feel better when I do. As such, I have decided to impose myself and my company on D and N for Superbowl Sunday. I do not think I have to work and while I am clueless to all things regarding sports, it will do me good to get out of the house and socialize and Dand N are perfect for that.
Where ever you go, There you are!
Where ever you go, There you are!
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