Thursday, September 08, 2005

Further responses to the idiot on who truly feels that people would did not evacuate Katrina were asking to be killed and then after they "chose" not to leave are now demanding goverment assisstance. This is in response to post from a member who said she would have taken her children and walked to higher ground if she did not have vehicle to leave:

Well, if you walked in the Hurricane you would have been one of the first dead-you and your kids so I guess it would be moot as to who was to blame for you staying.
I mean seriously, lets look at other historical horrors-why didn't the Jews leave when Hitler came to power? Are they responsible for the Holocaust because they did not?
I look at it for myself, the vast majority of my family is in Michigan. If a horrible disaster were to hit this state and I had to leave, staying with family would be pretty much out of the question, since they are all here. I make decent money, but suck at saving so I would be looking at leaving on about, oh $500.00-which is a high estimate. That would be *if* my employer decided that it was a disaster and agreed to give us the time off-or perhaps I would have left anyway. I would have made DAMN sure that the emergency actually was an emergency before I evacuated because that $500.00 spent out of town would about kill my daughters birthday and Yule plans and make it difficult for me to pay even the basics for months. I am not sure what people who have less than I have-which the vast majority of the people in New Orleans do-had in liquidated funds to run on. How can you leave if you have no vehicle or a vehicle that does not fit your whole family in it? How far can you realistically walk to get to safety? If Michigan was under advisement of such a disaster and I had to walk to safety, I would die long before I reached safety-so would you. If you did manage to walk to safety and had $20.00 in your pocket and nothing in the bank, how would you provide for yourself and your kids in this safety you had walked to? Hustle? Hook? Beg? How about those who were too ill to leave on their own? I think it is common sense now that everyone should have made more of an effort to leave. I am positive that if they had realized what would happen they would have done whatever it took to leave. But, hell, hindsight is 20/20 and if I knew then what I know now, I could have avoided the vast majority of my life's disasters. Furthermore, at this point, it really does not matter why they did not leave, they did not leave for whatever reason and it is a tragedy what is happening to them.


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