Monday, November 28, 2005

I had a date friday night with A. I kind of liked him. I was not sure if I was going to go even down to the last minute. In fact, I did not even start getting ready until 15 minutes before I needed to leave to meet him. I put on some clothes I had worn to our last team going away party from the week before, slapped on some make up and brushed my hair out. I had worked that day and did not even bother with a shower or perfume. Not sure what was up with that. He brought me a small holiday teddy bear and we went to eat at Red Lobsters. He was short, but stocky with skin darker than mine and a sexy little goatee. He was definetely not bad to look at. He was quiet and we did seem to somewhat lack anything to really say to each other. He is 30, has a 7 yr old son, is divorced, is Salvadoran, works for Fords and seems to lead a pretty basic normal life. He is raising his son by himself and works afternoons which he says inhibits his ability to meet ladies. He does not seem like he would have problems in that area, as he is less nerdy and akward than the guys I usually go for. However, he does seem quiet and to be lacking in what CL would call "game". I could not see him picking up a girl at the grocery store, much less a bar. Also, he seems like a bit of a loner. Either way, after dinner we came back here to watch movies. He was definetely attracted to me and did eventually manage to get my shirt and bra open. He is a breast man-and I have lots of breast:) I was not really wanting to get that physical and he kept insisting that he was not trying to have sex with me. It kind of reminded me of being in high school and the guys claims that they just want to put the tip in-whatever. I liked him and would not mind seeing him again. I do not think much will develop between us-whether we see eachother again or not. However, I think he could be a nice distraction and I would not mind being distracted right now!
~~~~Where ever you go, There you are!


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