This is hilarious. My father sent it to me and it made me think of alot about the discussions going on in Michigans-Pagans yahoo group about race and politics. It is very much how I view affirmative action and other similar programs. All white people in this country benefited from racism and racist policy whether they or their ancestors participated in them or where even in this country at the time. In this day and age a white male with a high school diploma will make an equivalent amount of a black female with a masters degree-what could that be other than racism? Institutionalized racism. Yet, everyone wants to act like such thing does not and could not exist. Please, racism is an american tradition, like thanksgiving and columbus day. It will be with us forever. I do not think affirmative action has a place in our society any longer. It makes too many too angry to see such open displays of favortism and in the end causes more damage than it creates equity. However, I do not consider it to be reverse racism either. It was a poor attempt to level the playing field. It did not work and has outlived it usefulness, but still, it was the only acknowlegement this country has ever made to the injustice done to the descendants of slaves by the powers that be in this nation. Right or wrong, affirmative action served as an acknowledgement of the wrongs this country has done.
~~~~Where ever you go, There you are!

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