Thursday, September 15, 2005

More from Michigan Pagan Yahoo Group about government:

I agree in theory that people need to help themselves. I just think that reality is probably abit more complicated than the simple ideas you lay out:

Should the US pull out and let the insurgents take over so that it reverts to what it was?
****I am glad things are better in Iraq, if they truly are. I just do not want my great-grandkids paying for this travesty of war. Saddam was a nightmare and I am glad to see him out of power, but this country put him in power which created this whole mess in the first place. I truly feel we should stay out before we make it worse than it is now.

Yes the media is liberal and they will go to any extremes to put down Bush. Again I refer to the story that was found to be a bunch of trumped up lies by CBS (?). I notice it more and more that they focus on negative things by republicans, but not so much by democrats. I used to be democratic, but I've seen and heard enough that it's turned me off to supporting them.
***Well, the Republicans are in power and no doubt that is why they are in the media so much. It was the same when Clinton was in power.

The local communities and the people need to work to gether to make sure that people have a better standard of life. The individuals themselves also need to make an effort. You can't get a better life if you just sit there and wait for it. The government provides programs to help people get started on improving their lives.
****Yes, but many of the programs have faulty funding or do not deliver on their promises or are so poorly organized that they do not actual help people at all.

There is also a saying "God helps those who help themselves".
***Yes, but I am not giving GOD a portion of my paycheck each week, I am giving the goverment a portion of it and frankly would like to see more for my money than being told to help myself.
There are a lot of people who don't make an effort.
***Yes, but there a lot of people who do and still get nowhere.

There are people who have never even been out of the city of New Orleans in their entire life. If there aren't any jobs in New Orleans, then it's time to leave and go somewhere else.
***Well, if they have no jobs and no income, how exactly are they supposed to do that? It costs to move, especially if you do not have anyone you can stay with and no job here or where you are moving to.

People can make better lives for themselves, ask any of the Lost Boys from Africa. Sometimes it's also matter of people believing that nothing can ever improve for them that keeps them where they are.
****Yes, it is scary to go to a new place if you have nothing here and nothing there either. At least here you have contacts or family or friends.

Kids need to apply themselves at school instead of dropping out and becoming gang members or the like. Then they can get better jobs.
***Very true, schools also need more money so they can improve. Better pay, better teachers, better supplies, perhaps then we would have more interested students.

There was a man from California who went to New Orleans and was going to take back 15 families to California to give the wage earners jobs at his car dealerships. He was also going to provide each family with a car and a home to live in. He couldn't find anyone who had any skills to take back with him.
***Education needs to be where our tax dollars are going. We have no future as a nation if we do not educate our youth.
While I certanly agree that everyone should be prepared in the event of an emergency. Absolutely. There has been bottled water and edible canned goods in my house-tons of them-since the blackout a few years ago. There is always the potential for a natural disaster the likes of which the government would not be able to help or aid with. Or, I read too much sci fi and speculative fiction. Either way, I think all adults-especially those responsible for small children or in need of medical attention to live should have supplies in case of emergency.
However, I also think that it is the responsibility of the government to help in times of crisis. I actually think that is where the government has the largest role. Not in whether I marry someone of the same or opposite sex, not whether or not I carry a pregnancy to term or not, not whether I use mind altering substances in the privacy of my own home. The government is not welcome in that aspect of my life and in my opinion has no business in it. Where I am looking for government assistance, where I do want my tax dollars spent is on rescue in crisis situations. To me this was a prime time for our government to step in, organize, save lives and rescue people. I also think private citizens should help. We should all help our neighbors, it is our duty and privledege to do so. However, what do we need government for if not in times of crisis and emergency?
~~~~~Where ever you go, there you are.


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