My store is under construction and the resulting chaos is a nightmare. The above images are my former work space. Currently and temporarily we are all being crammed onto the sales floor. It is unbelievable. The builders are pounding and drilling and making so much noise I can barely hear my customers, we are short staffed so the wait is even longer and the customers are all the more irritated for having waited so damn long to see someone. Add to that the lobby is now half to size it was before-so we are all tripping over eachother. Also, no one moved the storage cabinets in an organized manor so we can not find the essentials that we need to even help customers, it is pure and total chaos. I was off tuesday and wednesday after the Labor Day holiday and came back to work on thursday only discover our work space torn apart and that yet another greeter had quit. YIKES!!!! we simply can not keep staff around that place.
I want another job in the worst way. I like what I do but feel the need to move, either up-as in a promotion or on-to another job. I will not quit before February when we get our bonuses and in all reality I will not quit then because if I can hold on until September I will be fully vested and take my companies matching 401K contributions with me to another job. I will likely not want to quit even when I am fully vested because in 2008 I will be elgible for my stock options and leaving before than is like giving away $4,000.00. This is how I get trapped. What I really need to do is to go back to school. It is almost criminal for me not to since the company even pays for it.
~~~~ Where ever you go, there you are.
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