Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Nigger Incident Part 1

Today in science (my 4th hour class), Jackie Vandenabel was talking about her friend Casey Noble’s BLACK SQUIRREL named Squigger, and I asked Jackie not to say that anymore, because that’s putting together the two words squirrel and nigger. But she didn’t stop and then called me a Squigger, and I didn’t like that because I am actually black and so I asked her to stop repeatedly, but she would stop for a minute and keep doing it and then stop again, all the way until lunch. But I let it go.
Then after lunch she did it again, and I let it go again. But I only let it go because if you get suspended you can’t go on the trip to Cedar Point. But then she’s like hey guys I wonder what they would call a gay squirrel? But I’m like that’s really mean, but then she says a jigger, and I’m like you can’t say that! It’s like way to close to the word nigger(is what I was thinking! So then she’s like Why, because it has the word nigger in it(which it doesn’t but I wasn’t thinking about that because, I was too mad at the fact that she had said nigger to me and the fact that, that is racist. So then I’m like if you can’t say jigger, you definitely can’t say that! And then I said I don’t want to hear her say that again. And of course like the armature that she is, she is, she started saying it over and over again, and then she’s like, nigger, nigger, you’re a nigger(she didn’t say it in a tune or anything though, she just said it). She’s lucky I didn’t want to go to Cedar Point so bad, because I was about to jump up out of my seat and knock her teeth out.

A~ May 1st 2((6


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